Thursday, February 28, 2013

Downtown Courthouse

These were taken on February 24th. I remember that day because it was a beautiful day; versus the usual gloomy, Georgia weather.
I don't know what those bas reliefs are. They look like whales around ninja stars. And that rose window doesn't even look like a rose.

We were lucky enough for this metope to have a frieze on it.
This frieze has nothing...not so lucky.

  • bas relief (bahs ri-leef) In sculpture, figures projecting from a background of which they are part. The degree of relief is designated high, low (bas), or sunken.
  • rose window(rohz win-doh) A circular stained-glass window.
  • metope ([met-uh-pee)The square panel between the triglyphs in a Doric frieze, often sculpted in relief.
  • triglyph  (trahy-glif)   A triple projecting, grooved member of a Doric frieze that alternates with metopes.
  • architrave (/ˈärkiˌtrāv; ahr-ki-treyv) The lintel or lowest division of entablature; also called the epistyle
  • frieze (freez)The part of the entablature between the architrave and the cornice; also, any sculptured or painted band in a building.
  • cornice (ˈkôrnis)The projecting, crowning member of the entablature framing the pediment; also, any crowning projection.
  •  pilaster (pi-las-ter) flat, rectangular, vertical member projecting from a wall of which it forms a part. It usually has a base and a capital and is often fluted.
  • pediment (ped-uh-muh nt)In classical architecture, the triangular space (gable) at the end of a building, formed by the ends of the sloping roof above the colonnade; also, an ornamental feature having this shape.
  • high relief(hahy ri-leef ) a sculptural relief in which forms extend out from the background to at least half their depth.
  • Entablature
  • Fluting
When the words are like this it means that I defined it in an earlier post. If there are repeats...I'm sorry...just don't want to accidentally not define something. But if you have any questions just ask one of your amazing presenters!

2400 Second Ave (an Ionic local)

Well first off sorry for the sad, little labels...I'm hoping with progression it will get better. Also Ms. Powell, I want you to know I crossed a very busy street and dodged a few sketchy people for these photos...(Can you say dedication?)
  • column drums and fluting (kol-uh m druhm uh n floo-ting) Fluting refers to the vertical ridges that span the length of the column and go completely around its circumference.
  •  base (beys) In ancient Greek architecture, the molded projecting lowest part of Ionic and Corinthian columns. 
  • stylobate (stahy-luh-beyt)The uppermost course of the platform of a classical Greek temple, which supports the columns.
  • volute (vuh-loot)  A spiral, scroll-like form characteristic of the ancient Greek Ionic and the Roman Composite capital.
  • coffer (/ˈkôfər/)A sunken panel, often ornamental, in a vault or a ceiling.
  • entablature ()The part of a building above the columns and below the roof. The entablature has three parts: architrave, frieze, and pediment.
  • archivolt (/ˈärkəˌvōlt/; ahr-kuh-vohlt ) The continuous molding framing an arch. In Romanesque or Gothic architecture, one of the series of concentric bands framing the tympanum.
  • Portico (pawr-ti-koh)A roofed colonnade; also an entrance porch.
*Btw, the wainscoting and keystone are wrong...just ignore them.