Sunday, March 3, 2013

Corinthian Order

Taken on February 20th. #throwback
This is the coolelst building ever.
Location: Van Dyke's Barbershop right next to Iron Bank Coffee
Location: St. Joseph's Hall
okay. this doesn't look like St. Joseph's but that's what I have written
  • Corinthian capital (kuh-rin-thee-uh n kap-i-tl) A more ornate form than Doric or Ionic; it consists of a double row of acanthus leaves from which tendrils and flowers grow, wrapped around a bell-shaped echinus. Although this capital form is often cited as the distinguishing feature of the Corinthian order, there is, strictly speaking, no Corinthian order, but only this style of capital used in the Ionic order.
  • keystone
  • voussoir
  • colonnette (kol-uh-net) A vertical, weight-carrying architectural member, circular in cross-section and consisting of a base (sometimes omitted), a shaft, and a capital.
  • Pendentive(pen-den-tiv) A concave, triangular section of a hemisphere, four of which provide the transition from a square area to the circular base of a covering dome. Although pendentives appear to be hanging (pendant) from the dome, they in fact support it.

    I'm pretty sure I had two other Corinthian orders somewhere else. I honestly don't know...I am so sorry Miss Powell...

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