Sunday, March 3, 2013

Downtown buildings that didn't get their own post...

Woah. This is quite the mix of places. It might get cra'y.
Well this corbeled arch looks nothing like the Mycenaens...but I read this is one too. So.
Location: Columbus Travel
Taken on February 24th.

Doric must be Greek for lame.

With the Doric style comes an abacus, echinus, entablature, architrave...etc. (These things are labeled in an earlier picture) I felt like it was implied these counted as abacuses and echinuses and blah's just so much to label it ALL again.
Location: okay some place that is associated with First Baptist, I mean that's what the sign in front of this building said. I'm sorry! I couldn't find the address, it's across from the First Baptist parking, and near that environment building.
Taken on Feb 24th.

This project is making me go crazy.
Location: Post Office downtown
Taken on Feb 24th.

 More engaged columns on 2400 Second Ave!

Okay this is definitely going out on tangent since I'm ADHD, but I would so live in 2400 Second Ave. if it wasn't located in such a questionable area.

Again, I love this building...this also features fenestration! (If you notce the placement of the windows.)
Location: Iron Bank Coffee building
Taken on March 3rd.

I just thought facade
was a fancy, pretty intricate
Location: I DON'T KNOW. I can't find it.

This is really pretty!
Location: First Presbyterian

 This kind of look like something off Super Mario.
Location: First African Baptist Church
Taken on Feb 27th.

  • corbeled arch(kawr-buh ahrch ) A projecting wall member used as a support for some element in the superstructure. Also, courses of stone or brick in which each course projects beyond the one beneath it. Two such walls, meeting at the topmost course, create a corbeled arch or corbeled vault.
  • Armature (/ˈärməCHər/; ahr-muh-cher ) The crossed, or diagonal, arches that form the skeletal framework of a Gothic rib vault. In sculpture, the framework for a clay form.
  • dentil range
  • Doric capital (dawr-ik  kap-i-tl ) One of the two systems (or orders) invented in ancient Greece for articulating the three units of the elevation of a classical buildingthe platform, the colonnade, and the superstructure (entablature). The Doric order is characterized by, among other features, capitals with funnel-shaped echinuses, columns without bases, and a frieze of triglyphs and metopes.
  • engaged column (en-geyjd kol-uh m) half-round column attached to a wall.
  • volute
  • façade (fuh-sahd)Usually, the front of a building; also, the other sides when they are emphasized architecturally.
  • Parapet (par-uh-pit)A low, protective wall along the edge of a balcony, roof, or bastion.
  • fenestration(fen-uh-strey-shuh n)The arrangement of the windows of a building.

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