Sunday, March 3, 2013

Last Minute Post....

Let's be honest Miss Powell...all kids have last minute moments on these are some things we forgot..and now are adding on.

More Chatahoochee!
Location: Chatahoochee River

Location: Riverwalk

Location: Public Library on Macon
Location: Some abandoned building on First Ave.

                - Transverse Vault
Location: Holy Family Catholic Church
  • barrel vault (bar-uh l vawlt) A masonry roof or ceiling constructed on the arch principle, or a concrete roof of the same shape. A barrel or tunnel) vault, semicylindrical in cross-section, is in effect a deep arch or uninterrupted series of arches, one behind the other over an oblong space.
  • cross vault (krôs vawlt) A groin (or cross) vault is formed at the point at which two barrel vaults intersect at right angles.
  • Rotunda(roh-tuhn-duh) A round building or room, esp. one with a dome
  • rustication ([ruhs-ti-key-shuh n)To give a rustic appearance by roughening the surfaces and beveling the edges of stone blocks to  emphasize the joints between them. Rustication is a technique employed in ancient Roman architecture, and was also popular during the Renaissance, especially for stone courses at the ground-floor level
  • transverse barrel vault  (trans-vurs bar-uh l vawlt)   In medieval architecture, a semicylindrical vault oriented at a 90-degree angle to the nave of a church.


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